Meet Idara…. the well-organized woman

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Are you looking for a more organised mind, do you need a more organised mindset?

Are you living in a chaotic space?

Meet my friend Liza….  an amazing woman I met during lockdown at Toastmasters online.  (Yes I’ve been a member).


We connected with eye rolls and laughing….. we then met in the woods for walking during lockdown and now I’m watching her develop an idea..


With a Bachelors’s degree in Industrial & Organisational Psychology and is a certified NBI Creativity Practitioner. she can help you with A LOT of stuff clearing, both with physical “stuff” and also “mind” stuff…..

Check out her new website, which is in its baby stage of forming whilst she works on an existing project (it’s a massive lifelong project).
It doesn’t mean a busy woman can’t organise herself enough to help you….

If you need to…

Declutter, Downsize, Move, Simply Reorganise?


No idea where to start or what to do with it all?  Send Liza any questions you may have… she is happy to respond.

Work faster, more efficiently to create a calm home

Help to simplify your life

  • Declutter & let go

  • Bring order to space & routines

  • Find time for friends, family & YOU!

    Life in the 21st Century is meaner than you thought and some of the stress we bring on ourselves. It is no wonder that our possessions and clutter crowd out peace, flexible well-being, good-humour and stable moods.

    Are you exchanging a simpler clutter-free life for mood swings, anxiety, depression or irritability?

Liza can help!  IdaraOrganising

Online or in-person services



Carolynn Binnie

I joined the wellbeing industry in 1994 and I've spent my lifetime helping people move from negative stress to a more fufiling and happy mindset.

64 Willow Farm Way

Herne Bay CT6 7QH, UK


Call me today!

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00, Some Saturdays All by Appointment only.