How have you been feeling? Are you in need of an energy boost?
Tired due to sleepless nights, run down, or lacking in motivation?
Are you feeling stuck in a dead-end job, or wondering if your life is going anywhere? Does everything seem pointless and like you are walking through the mud?
What can you do this week that will lift your energy?
Being grateful will help you raise your energy levels.
Motivation is the force that keeps pushing you forward.
It is your internal drive to achieve, produce, and develop–and it’s always to your benefit to pay attention to the things that feed your personal motivation.
I’m motivated to reach more people and connect with you despite the challenges.
Have you been your best self?
You were not born with your character, it developed and it’s up to you to ensure you develop into the person you want to be.
What mistakes did you make and what can you learn?
What can you do this week to change the energy you are feeling?
Move it up a level.
As always, being grateful is the starting point to all of this.
I received an amazing Orchid flower arrangement during lockdown,
The card said
“Dear Carolynn, I wanted to thank you for all your help sorting out my problems”
A client had reached out and asked for my help during those long dark months of lockdown.
I did something good in the world and was thanked for it. Are you thanking yourself for helping YOU?
Set the intention to lift your energy.
Remember you can have a positive or a negative effect on other people. Near or far.
What can you do to raise your energy levels right now?
If you need some help then let me be your coach. Work with me on planning your life.