Articles posted by Carolynn Binnie

I joined the wellbeing industry in 1994 and I've spent my lifetime helping people move from negative stress to a more fufiling and happy mindset.

What does Yoga Mean?

“Yoga” is a term that originates from ancient India and has a rich philosophical and spiritual background. While it’s often associated with…

Yoga is a journey

Join us on your yoga journey… We all start somewhere, we all know it’s hard to walk into the first classroom and…

Listen with empathy post it note

Listening Skills

uilding relationships is about listening to others. Good listening will help you build and maintain positive relationships. Good listening will help you…

stones balanced carefully


Are you looking for balance in your life? Balance gets knocked off every time we experience fear. Fear can’t differentiate between real…

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Herne Bay CT6 7QH, UK


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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00, Some Saturdays All by Appointment only.